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Alumni Gatherings

Please see below for information about upcoming opportunities to connect with other alumni

Upcoming Alumni Gatherings


October 24th 12-1pm

Dr. Monica Sharma will join us!




Recent Alumni Gatherings


April 11, 2024 

RTL Practitioners in influential leadership positions share about their incredible leadership journeys and how they are changing the game for social impact.  


View the recording HERE


January 19, 2023

Join Dr. Monica Sharma as she shares best practices to integrate RTL tools and practices into every day activities within our teams and organizations. Also hear from alumni who have successfully integrated RTL across departments!


View the recording HERE


March 16, 2023

Alumni using RTL tools and practices to engage youth in their projects will share their best practices and ideas, with time to connect with colleagues and refresh key tools. Join us!


View the recording HERE


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