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Our Stand: Interrupting Racism and Building a Future of Equity

We stand in solidarity with the global uprising to declare that Black Lives Matter and to end the centuries of racism embedded in this country and beyond. We commit to actively reflecting on our own patterns of privilege and oppression, and working to interrupt racism and oppression of any form, amplifying community led solutions.

We are committed to using Radical Transformational Leadership (RTL) tools and templates in our own work and in our support of others to:

  • Reflect on our own patterns of oppression

  • Respond to the historical and current crisis facing our communities

  • Address inequities and injustices

  • Disrupt oppressive systems and practices

  • Build and realize communities which embodies equity, compassion, and dignity for every one

The Radical Transformational Leadership framework and tools were developed and tested worldwide in circumstances of extreme injustice and human rights violations. In Africa addressing HIV/AIDS amidst racism, tribalism, and sexism. In India amidst deeply rooted casteism and sexism. And in the US amidst a historical foundation of genocide, racism, sexism, nationalism, and classism. These tools were made for these times.

RTL works because as practitioners we take action from a powerful place of principled outrage, where we acknowledge the inner capacity in each of us while denouncing unacceptable behaviors and policies. It works because we don’t solely respond to the problem; we also work to realize the full potential of a new future.

The task of interrupting oppression, racism and violence to generate a new future can feel huge and daunting. Civil rights activist DeRay Mckesson invites us all to start where we are standing, with the following:

  • Figure out where and how you can do the most good

  • Start where you are

  • Ask yourself: what do I want the future to look like?

  • Feel the fear — and act anyway

We commit to working alongside you to source our inner capacity of dignity, equity, and compassion to be in action to interrupt racism, dismantle structural inequities, and build a future based on equity for everyone.



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